من نحن
MTI – المتوسطي العابر الدولية – مرسيليا
المتوسطي العابر الدولية هي شركة وكيل شحن في مرسيليا ، تتعامل مع عمليات الاستيراد والتصدير. نحن نقدم خدماتنا لدول منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط وغرب أفريقيا. ومع ذلك ، ندرس جميع إمكانيات الشحن عبر العالم.
نحن فخورون لخدمتك مع اثنين من الخبرة في الشحن والنقل البحري لتحسين الشحن الخاص بك. طموحنا هو أن نصبح شريكا موثوقا به لتجارتك.
MTI : يوفر صيانة كاملة
عمليات المناولة
الإجراءات الجمركية
خدمات النقل
النقل على الطرق
الشحن البحري
الشحن الجوي
الخدمات اللوجستية

« We work with MTI, who organizes our expeditions to Algeria and we are pleased about it. »

« Our company has worked with MTI for many years. We are fully satisfied with their services and their dedication to shipping our goods in various countries around the world »

« For several years we have been working with MTI. To us, MTI means quickness, effectiveness and good relationship. »

« Altex is a USA company that does business in Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa, primarily Algeria. Altex has had many Orders with European Companies that MTI have coordinated the shipments to many different Altex Clients. Altex has had MTI arrange the pick.up of the material from various European Suppliers and have had the material brought into MTI warehouse to be consolidated with other Orders prior to shipping the material to Altex’s Clients. MTI has always provided Altex excellent service with very reasonable rates. The required shipping information has been provided immediately to Altex. Altex has not had any problems with any of the shipments that MTI has coordinated for us. Altex recommends MTl to any companies that requires shipping assistance. »

« We work with MTI since two years, we are fully satisfied. We export sensitive products and MTI was the perfect partner and always finds solutions to our problems. We strongly recommend MTI »